Proposition: 91 percent of ocean species have yet to be discovered
Truth value: True
Truth conditions: There are parts of the ocean that have yet to be explored, which only leaves 91 percent of oceanic life to be unknown and undiscovered.
Entailment: “91 percent of ocean species have yet to be discovered” means that we haven’t found all of oceanic life.
Proposition: I have a pool in my house.
Truth value: False
Truth conditions: In order for this to be true I would need to own a pool in my house.
Entailment: “I have a pool in my house” describes me owning a pool in my home.
Proposition: I don’t like gnocchi, the Italian dish.
Truth value: Unknown
Truth conditions: I never tried gnocchi, how can I say I don’t like it if I’ve never tried it?
Entailment: “ I don’t like gnocchi, the Italian dish” means that I’ve tried the meal before and didn’t enjoy it.