Blog post 4

I decided to speak to my mom about how the English language, specifically New York language and terminology. She told me our accents are definitely different and more distinctive nowadays. She told me now its like someone can tell you are from New York just based off how we sound when we speak to other people. She also told me that back in her day, people were more respectful based off how they speak to other people who are older than them. She said people said maam and sir much more often. She also said maybe the biggest difference between English in New York from nowadays compared to back in the day is the slang in our words. Words we say that just did not exist back in that time, that are just plain normal to us now. We say “word” so much now. Agreeing with someone, trying to sound bigger than someone, trying to explain something to someone or even trying to prove a point, we say “word” for all of that. I don’t want to put profanity in this but I feel like i must because she told me no one said this word back in her day. The word “deadass” is just such a normal word, not even just in New York, but in a lot of places in America. People say that word all of the time, again to describe many things. Just like “word” you can use that word to agree with someone, to explain something, to exclamate something, or even trying to explain a point. There are many other differences, but these differences are specifically what my mom told me for this assignment.

Blog Post#4

My mom says that nothing has changed with the spelling system. The accent has changed, and our family members born in Latin American countries came here and did have a stronger accent. Opposed to my mother born in The United States having no accent. The one thing she has noticed and the language she speaks is Spanish. Many people do try to learn to speak and understand Spanish as many people do come from other Latin American countries that speak Spanish. People who come from Central America and South America do have different dialects with words that sound the same or have multiple meanings. For example, for someone who has a cold my mom would say she has a “cataro”. But in Colombia or other parts of Latin America, they would say “gripe”. There is a proper way of speaking Spanish. In every language there are many dialects, but we all try to understand one another when we are spoken to in that language.  If you’re having a conversation with someone, you’re unfamiliar with you use the formal version of Spanish. For example, ” usted” would be the formal way of saying you, and the informal way would be “tu”. When we have conversations with our family members we use the informal way. My mom says that since I’m learning to speak Spanish there is no accent and is Americanized. My mom was glad to be able to learn to speak Spanish because it allowed her to have better careers in knowing another language.

blog post 4

For this blog post , I chose to speak with my mum because she is the perfect example of the major differences although we speak the same language. So, our first language is Arabic and we lived most of our lives in Egypt but the difference in our English accent was obviously realized when I went to British schools and the teachers over there were foreigners , however my mother didn’t have this opportunity back there when she was younger . I would always realize how some words she is eager to learn but just fails to pronounce it in the correct way we do . Nevertheless, even though we both speak Arabic I always find my parents or actually even every older person , familiar with words I’ve never heard and even their childhood songs are just very different from what we hear nowadays . They don’t know the songs we hear and we never heard the ones they know . When it comes to writing , is where I think there’s a little change but not that much. Nothing changed in writing much but the fact that their Arabic writing looks so professional than ours makes sense when we are more fluent in English because each one of us is professional in the language he grew up exposed to the most . I would always ask her to check my spelling for Arabic words and she would always ask me for spelling and definitions of words she wants to say in English . I wouldn’t say our Arabic accents are different because I grew up in Cairo as well as my mum but there would be other accents for Egyptians growing up in other states , for example in Aswan people kind of have an different Egyptian accent than the ones we speak, still the same language and words just different pronunciation .

Blog Post #4

I decided to speak to my grandfather about English language because we speak English differently from accent to the way we pronounce word. He grew up in Guyana and so did my mom and I but he moved to the United States after he retired. I grew up in Guyana from birth until I was 17 when I moved from Guyana to United States. When I was younger, he would pronounce words so differently that I could not understand him. This happened because English in Guyana has changed over the years from the time my grandfather was born. When we were in public, he would speak in a more formal English because we lived in a country which was formerly ruled by Britian but once we arrived home or around family members, you would here his Guyanese accent and words. Some words he used were “ayo” which means people like “why ayo don’t go there” and “am” which can be used to replace “it” like “wuh you name am”. Many of those words are not used regularly anymore, you mostly hear them from older folks.  How they spell words is different, like color, spelt like “colour” or neighbor spelt like “neighbour”. I first realized this when I moved to the United States and the teacher corrected me during an English class. My teacher marked me wrong for misspelling words by putting “u” and “s” in some words. I also learned about the different ways Guyanese speak, like how people in the capital speak slower compared to people in the country areas.

Blog Post #4

For this assignment, I’m going to choose my mom. She was born in Palestine and came to America when she was 19. She has to learn from my dad because he was born in Palestine as well but came to America when he was much younger so he learned English faster. With that being said my mom learned English from my dad. My mom had trouble learning English though. It was a tough challenge, especially coming to a new country with a whole new language/customs. She is fluent in English but you can tell she was born in another country due to the accent. However, there are times when she does ask me about a word she might not know, so either I or my other siblings would have to explain it to her. Even when she reads something, my siblings and I would have to explain the word that way. When it came to me, it was kind of the opposite. I had trouble learning Arabic. Usually, younger kids learn their foreign language when they’re toddlers that was me for instance. My mom would speak in Arabic while my dad would speak in English. However, as I got older I went into a public school with other American kids. This lead me losing my memory of Arabic words/learn how to say it. Even the pronunciation is due to over the years not speaking it for a while. That’s why when I speak to other Arabic speakers sometimes they may get confused when I say a certain word, (or might be due to my different dialect from them). But usually when I visit back home it’s easier for me to pick up my Arabic because I’m surrounded by my Arabic speakers.

Blog Post 4

I chose to talk with my mom for this assignment. My mom came to the United States from Mexico when she was 14 years old. She was sent to school, right then and there. She didn’t know any English and the students would pick on her. But she had mentors and friends help her, which she was glad about. Although she practiced and practiced, she says her English still isn’t perfect, there’s times where she struggles but asks me for help or if there is a word she overhears she asks me what it means and how would you use it in a sentence. For me, I learned Spanish at a very early age until I started going to school at age 4, is when I started talking more English and getting mixed up with both. Right now I would say yes I definitely have an accent when speaking Spanish, I know what I want to communicate with other Spanish speakers but it comes out not the way I want it and sometimes they don’t understand. Right now I speak both English and Spanish, well actually Spanglish. It’s easier for me to understand and something I have been doing since I was a little girl learning both languages.

Blog Post #4

I talked to my parents about the way that they spoke when they were growing up. My dad lived on Staten Island all his life, and my mom is from Queens. My dad said that he has met people who “talked funny” – meaning they had strong ‘New York’ accents. My mom lived in Queens with my Grandmother who is originally from Slovenia and has a very strong accent. From birth, my mom slightly gained a part of that accent but she said it quickly faded out as she knew more words. In her childhood, my grandmother would often mix English words with German words and that helped my mom learn a little bit of that language; she says that in some aspects, the two languages are too different on the surface.

They often say that my “accent” is different from theirs because of the way I talk – as well as other people my age talk. I think they notice a difference because of the slang I use from time to time and the certain way I talk. The way that slang words are used is very interesting; I don’t quite remember, but my mom got out some old letters she used to write to her friends and certain slang was recognizable but seemed to have slightly different meanings. 

Lastly, I asked them if any spelling of words had changed over the years, and they said they hadn’t noticed anything.


I grew up speaking English with my family, and occasionally hearing my mom speak to her siblings on the phone in Romanian but never being taught it myself. A lot of the way I speak is influenced by my mom, so I asked her about her experience speaking English in the US as time passed. My mom learnt English through watching tv and by reading a lot of novels, and her language use has stayed pretty consistent to it. She did see that cursing casually became a larger thing that happened, but also said that she’s not sure if she noticed more because she was suddenly around a lot more kids and teens as me and my siblings grew up. She says that there are a lot more words always being made up and suddenly used everywhere like in the news that she has never heard, even though I pick them up easy and define them to her. Her accent is different than mine since she grew up speaking Romanian in a different country and I grew up with English in New York. There are words she says I pronounce wrong because I was taught a different pronunciation than her, and there are also words I know I say how she does that are not pronunciations other people use. She says I’m always making up more words when I use slang that younger people online use and it’s fun trying to explain them to her. The spelling system hasn’t changed that my mom’s noticed and she hasn’t had to change how she speaks over the years to add in any new words unless they are for new inventions or concepts (like uber or selfie).

Blog Post 4

Growing up, I have always spoken two languages: English and Spanish. Because I was born to two immigrant parents with their first language being Spanish, my first language (at one point) was Spanish as well; However, English would eventually become my primary language as I started to speak it more frequently. I find this detail important in relation to this assignment, since I think it really shows how differently I use and speak language in comparison to my mother. For instance, my mother has a very thick Peruvian accent when she is speaking English, and I (for the most part) do not have much of a Peruvian accent when I speak English. If anything, I can say I have an accent (New York/Staten Island) when I pronounce certain words in English as opposed to my mother, especially when I pronounce the word “water”; which I pronounce as “Wha-ter”, with an emphasis on the first wh sound, with my mother (and other family members) pronouncing it as “wah-ter” as they learned it that way. Another example of a difference between me and my mother’s use of language comes from the way that we speak Spanish. For example, Peruvians pronounce the word “frijoles” as “frejoles”, replacing the /i/ sound with an /e/ sound according to the way my mother (and my other family members) pronounce it. I pronounce the word in Spanish as “frijoles”, since I recognize that there is a /i/ sound in the word, and that is the way that my other hispanic friends pronounce the word as well. Overall, I think as the generations go on, the way we use language will drastically change as time flies, as people will find new ways to use and pronounce words.

Blog Post #4

For this assignment I chose to speak with my mom about the different ways we use language together. She had told me that growing up she would pronounce and spell words differently since she learned English at 16 years old. Spanish being her first language she has a accent, and learned English through popular tv shows and speaking with other English speakers. Since language is always evolving, I will sometimes tell her what new sayings or “slang” is popular today. However, at the time she learned English, she used other sayings among her friends. This shows that over time new terminology is made and forgotten. I would say the way we use English differs greatly between us, as I never learned Spanish. She often switches between the two languages while talking, using English in her everyday conversations. All in all, I would say English changed over time through new slang, writing, and the introduction of new words.