Blog Post# 3

  1. Proposition: I was born in Brooklyn, New York. 
  • Truth Value: True
  • Truth Condition: For this to be true, I would have had to be born in Brooklyn, New York. 
  • Entailment: Me being born in Brooklyn, New York, entails that I am from the U.S.
  1. Proposition: I am turning 24 in May.
  • Truth Value: False
  • Truth Condition: In order for this to be true, I needed to be born in the 2000.
  • Entailment: If this were true, I would be born in the 2000. 
  1. Proposition: I drink three cups of coffee a day
  • Truth Value: unknown 
  • Truth Condition: For this to be true, I would need to drink three cups of coffee a day
  • Entailment: “ I drink three cups of coffee a day” entails that I may or may not drink three cups of coffee a day. 


While thinking back to previous classes I’ve taken throughout my life, I was told multiple times that “gonna” or “ain’t” wasn’t the correct way to use a word. Another thing I seemed to struggle with was when I would write “me and my mom” instead of “my mom and I”. Growing up, I had a problem with my speech, so trying to correct my mistakes wasn’t always the easiest thing. Teachers would never say why those words weren’t okay to use, they just weren’t proper and you were expected to know that. Today, I have definitely come a long way, but I still sometimes write sentences in a non grammarly way.  While I can’t remember a specific time this has happened, I have definitely taken the criticism and used it in a positive way. Sometimes I slip up and use the wrong grammar in my school work, but that’s what being human is about. While there are proper ways of what language actually is, it changes everyday.