Blog post 3

1.Proposition: I drive a Nissan which I own.

Truth value: True

Truth conditions: For this to be true, I must be able to drive, the car’s make and model is Nissan and the car must be registered under my name.

Entailment: If this is true, then I can drive and own a vehicle that is a Nissan.

2.Propsition: I’ve been to the Great wall of China.

Truth value: False

Truth conditions: For this to be true, I would have traveled to China, which I never have.

Entailment: If this was true, I would have seen the Great wall of china in person.

3. Proposition: There is life on every planet.

Truth Value: False, there are no scientific evidence of this.

Truth conditions: For this to be true, there would have to be scientific evidence of any living form on every planet.

Entailment: If this was true, There would be scientific evidence of living forms on all planets.

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