Throughout my years in school from a young age, I do recall every teacher always reminding students not to write/type in the way that we speak because it is considered improper. Almost all my English teachers as soon as they assign a writing or essay whether at home or in-class, they would make sure to announce that we can’t use the word “gonna” or “ain’t” as it is considered improper. Teachers would say that if we wrote a paper for college or a resume using improper words that we would most likely not get the job or get a good grade on a college level paper. I always remember one of my English teachers in high school, she would assign a writing and then before she would allow us to write, she had to give us the improper writing speech and then let us begin our work. She would give this speech everyday! Till today i feel like i can still hear her saying ” we most defiantly can not use the word ain’t because that is not a word”. I also remember her saying how when we write ” don’t write like you’re talking to a friend” so therefore you can’t use words like “gonna” and “ain’t”. I can say that every English teacher I had would say the same thing. How we won’t get a job if we wrote improper words on a resume. The reasons given were very vague. The reasoning was just always that that form was improper English and not a professional way to show yourself. “It just doesn’t sound right” was also a reasoning behind why we can’t use “gonna”. Even though I was taught that these words are improper just because it doesn’t sound right, I still use them everyday when I speak with friends but not on a professional level like at work or writing a paper.