My mom says that nothing has changed with the spelling system. The accent has changed, and our family members born in Latin American countries came here and did have a stronger accent. Opposed to my mother born in The United States having no accent. The one thing she has noticed and the language she speaks is Spanish. Many people do try to learn to speak and understand Spanish as many people do come from other Latin American countries that speak Spanish. People who come from Central America and South America do have different dialects with words that sound the same or have multiple meanings. For example, for someone who has a cold my mom would say she has a “cataro”. But in Colombia or other parts of Latin America, they would say “gripe”. There is a proper way of speaking Spanish. In every language there are many dialects, but we all try to understand one another when we are spoken to in that language. If you’re having a conversation with someone, you’re unfamiliar with you use the formal version of Spanish. For example, ” usted” would be the formal way of saying you, and the informal way would be “tu”. When we have conversations with our family members we use the informal way. My mom says that since I’m learning to speak Spanish there is no accent and is Americanized. My mom was glad to be able to learn to speak Spanish because it allowed her to have better careers in knowing another language.