My family moved from Egypt in the 1980’s and at this point, my mom and dad had three little boys with them. The oldest was the age of 5 and twin boys aged 3. I spoke with my older brother and he explained to me by the time he went off to high school, that’s when he noticed the language barrier between him and people around him. He explained how middle school wasn’t much of an issue but when he got to high school, he began to feel like he didn’t fit in. My family at the time were only speaking Arabic with little English and wanted to make sure my brothers would learn Arabic at home since they go to school and would eventually learn English. My older brother who is exactly 10 years older than me, explained how it was a hard adjustment but since my family moved to a community of mostly Arabs around, he wasn’t that uncomfortable which made him feel more open to learning English. He said it was like two worlds just mashed up together. One world he knew and the other he needed to adjust too. As we got older, I did notice a few English words that I would hear him say and I would question him like ” where did you hear that before?” or “what does that even mean?”. His response to me would be ” Nobody uses this word anymore?” or ” I can’t believe you haven’t heard this word!” He would tell me all these words he used growing up in the late 1980’s -1990’s that I never heard of before. I feel the main difference is the vocabulary we used not so much of an accent difference. It’s funny because now I don’t understand some word terms or even ever heard these words that my younger cousins are using. Now I look back at how I didn’t understand word terms from my brother and now I don’t understand some word terms that a new generation is using.