blog post 1

When I was younger, of course growing up in New York, our slang here is not the most “lingustic”. One phrase I can think of at this moment is when I say “watchu mean” or “watchu talkin bout”. Of course, it means “what are you talking about?” but since it is the lingo over here, everyone understands it. I could say its just the accent, but it feels easier for me to say than saying it correctly. Now that I am older, I understand that i have to try to talk more like an adult and use correct terms.

1 thought on “blog post 1”

  1. Blog Post #1:

    Reflecting after class I have come to the realization that I was taught many prescriptive rules in elementary, middle, and high school. For example, one prescriptive rule that I was taught is that you can’t start a sentence with “And” because it usually used as an addition word in the middle of a sentence. Despite this being grammatically correct, it is wrong when simplified to the rules of the root language. It was taught to us to refrain from using double negatives, like saying “I don’t want none” as opposed to “I don’t want any.” Double negatives were considered illogical or contradictory because they theoretically cancel each other out and impede clear communication, which was the reasoning behind this rule. Lastly, the last example of a prescriptive rule usage in past classes is the basic differentiation of “wanna” and “want to”. In this class it is taught how one isn’t a. grammatical word but instead it is slang for the other word.

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