
Urdu is my native language and I recall in middle school, I wrote an essay and I used the word “uninterested” and my teacher told me that this word is “wrong” and “did not exist”. I was quite confused and tried to research about words that “made sense” to me. I came across a forum which talked about how the words “uninterested” and “disinterested” are used interchangeably now. The word “disinterested” meant “unbiased” back in the days as saying “The author always takes a disinterested perspective when writing a book about political theory”. This was interesting to me because now, a lot of us do use the word “uninterested” and “disinterested” side by side. I think the reason that there was a change was because of evolution of language. I prefer not to add the word “disinterested” in my vocabulary. However, I do know one thing for sure, that my teacher was a prescriptivist as she enforced this word (and many others) on me, so I could have a “better vocabulary”.

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