Blog post #4

I talked with my mom about how English has changed from when she was growing up from how I grew up speaking and she explained to me when she went to school punctation, and the sounds of long and short vowels were drilled into her mind throughout her journey in school. She also said that when she was growing up when you encountered someone older than you like someone’s mom or an elderly person you addressed them as Mrs./ Mr./ Sir/ Mam.  I also noticed that me and my mom pronounce a lot of words differently. For example: forest, mountain, sausage, dog, coffee. My mom’s accent is also much heavier than mine, she is born and raised in Staten Island but has a strong Brooklyn accent. She also mentioned how our generation of adults/ children have dirty mouths, cursing is more a part of people’s vocabulary. My mom would say “you’re full of baloney” and “I would say your full of shit”, maybe she’s just weird but my mom doesn’t curse lol. We also refer to things with different names for instance she calls the thing you change the channel with on the tv a clicker and I call it a remote, she calls the thing people put on their eyes to see eyeglasses and I just call them glasses. Grammar has also changed throughout the years like all the abbreviations she isn’t familiar. I’ll be texting her and I’ll say something like g2g or ttyl and she’ll have no idea what I’m trying to say. Sometimes my mom will question herself if she’s pronouncing something differently after she hears me pronounce it.

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