Proposition-I have a dog
Truth value-True
Truth Conditions-For this to be factual I would have to own a dog that resides in my home.
Entailment-“I have a dog” entails you own an animal and have a
Proposition 2-I have 6 legs
Truth value-False
Truth Conditions-I would need 6 legs connected to my body
Entailment-“I have 6 legs” goes on to show I have more than the standard 2 legs.
Proposition 3-There is a lock ness monster that lives in the Amazon River.
Truth value-Unknown
Truth conditions-For this to be true, there must be a large mythical monster that calls the Amazon its home
Entailment-“There is a lock ness monster that lives in the Amazon” would entail a mythical monster not only lives but would call the Amazon River its home.