Blog Post #4

I talked to my parents about the way that they spoke when they were growing up. My dad lived on Staten Island all his life, and my mom is from Queens. My dad said that he has met people who “talked funny” – meaning they had strong ‘New York’ accents. My mom lived in Queens with my Grandmother who is originally from Slovenia and has a very strong accent. From birth, my mom slightly gained a part of that accent but she said it quickly faded out as she knew more words. In her childhood, my grandmother would often mix English words with German words and that helped my mom learn a little bit of that language; she says that in some aspects, the two languages are too different on the surface.

They often say that my “accent” is different from theirs because of the way I talk – as well as other people my age talk. I think they notice a difference because of the slang I use from time to time and the certain way I talk. The way that slang words are used is very interesting; I don’t quite remember, but my mom got out some old letters she used to write to her friends and certain slang was recognizable but seemed to have slightly different meanings. 

Lastly, I asked them if any spelling of words had changed over the years, and they said they hadn’t noticed anything.

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