After having a conversation about language back then with my grandfather, I was able to learn about the differences between the changes in the way we speak now vs back then. My Grandad noted that nowadays kids are speaking way faster than what he remembered back in his days and how there use to be a stronger emphasis on pronunciation. He also added about the new phrases and slang words the new generation has brought to language in society, slang words and abbreviations are basically the new way to express language in a simpler way that mostly teenagers and young adults use to communicate. He told me that slang words and abbreviations can be confusing for him sometimes especially when he is texting family and friends. For example, he told me how one day his niece texted him ”omw and didn’t reply to her because of his confusion. He later found out it means” on my way and felt relieved that he understood. My grandad also spoke about how apps like Instagram and Facebook plays a huge role in how we speak now vs back then when he was growing up. Words like ”selfie wasn’t really thought of during his time growing up and nobody was saying it.