My Friend and I

When I was in elementary school I wrote on an essay or assignment that “Me and my friend went to the mall” and was told it is not the “proper” way to say that sentence. The correct way would be “My friend and I”. To this day that still doesn’t sound right to me. Upon it being pointed out I was told that the way I said it isn’t proper English and it would have to be written in the “proper way”. This impacted the way I would write for school, but not the way I would speak. I recently said to my friend that “me and my friends” did something and they responded with “it would be my friends and I”. I told them how I never understood how that is the proper way to say it and in speech as it doesn’t sound right to me, and as long as you understand what I’m saying, it doesn’t matter how I say it. So I will continue to put my words in whatever order I want, and use words that aren’t “real” like “wanna” and “gonna” when I text or speak, but on something for school or something of importance, I will do it the “proper” way simply to avoid being told it is not correct.

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